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Also took counseling last year and started again in September? Then you get 30% discount.

For various reasons, a good start to the school year is crucial. We therefore have an extra for our students from last school year.

The importance of the good start‍

A start with good grades is important for building a solid average, gives self-confidence, influences the experience of the rest of the school year and has an impact on the home situation through stress and the like. In addition, we believe it is important for our students to meet their goal(s). Unfortunately, we see that most students do not come to us until it is (almost) too late. Therefore, we are not surprised that the students who start in September or October achieve their goal(s) in almost all cases.

A little extra for our students‍

We are therefore happy to contribute to a good start to the school year of our students. After all, it would be a shame if the progress we made last school year is lost. We therefore offer:

  • students from last school year who start in September 30% discount in September.
  • students from last school year who start in October 15% discount in October.

Please note that only one discount can be obtained per student and the discount is applied to the invoice of the month to which the discount belongs.

What to do?‍

You don't have to do anything at all to get the discount. We apply it automatically. For example, invoices for September 2023 classes were sent out last weekend. If you qualify for the 30% discount, we applied it automatically.

If there are any questions or comments, please contact me at +31 (0)6 1365 4615 or