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Trust, professional support and addressing underlying issues.

To provide our students with customized services, we have partners. So we'd like to introduce you to Denise Olivers of Learn4Life. Why do we work together? And what can students expect from our collaboration? You can read that and more in this blog.

What does Learn4Life do?

Learn4Life consists of SKJ-registered (young) pedagogues and educationalists. We provide educational and pedagogical guidance to children and youth between the ages of 8 and 18 in Maastricht and its surroundings. To this end, we work intensively with various municipalities. Through these municipalities we work intensively with various schools where replacement, homework assistance, tutoring, training and social-emotional guidance is provided. In addition, we cooperate with various other organizations within these municipalities. 

As for our offerings, Learn4Life provides educational and pedagogical counseling. Educational tutoring is anything to do with school. Think of planning and structuring, diary management, teaching learning strategies, exam training and homework assistance. We do this in primary education, Secondary education and secondary vocational education. Educational guidance involves looking beyond school matters. This involves asking the question, "Why is your child not getting the school stuff right?", which often requires treating underlying issues. Consider peer pressure, behavioral issues, social media (abuse), gaming, bullying, sexuality, fear of failure and low self-esteem.

What does Learn4Life consider important?

Good counseling hinges on trust. We do not dive straight into the depths of the request for help and approach it slightly differently. We get to work on the concrete request for help, but always build a relationship of trust first. Only when there is trust can we get to the core. With this approach, we at Learn4Life ensure that a child grows clearly and visibly within the different developmental areas that are being worked on. In this way we ensure that children develop safely within today's society.

What does Learn4Life think of Studied?

Studied is a tutoring organization that has the expertise to adapt to children/youth. This is because students know what expectations children/young people are exposed to and can therefore better empathize with how they feel. This creates a good bond of trust that makes the child/young person dare to be more open about what exactly the request for help is. In addition, reflection and evaluation is very important. Studied gives a lot of attention to this. It is about how the young people and the company can develop further in such a way that everyone can grow. The children/youth are number one at Studied and that is how it should be.

Why do we work together? What does Learn4Life find valuable about our collaboration?

Studied and Learn4Life share the same vision. We get to work on the request for help, but the personal relationship is paramount. It is impossible to achieve a goal within x number of months if there is no connection with the child. We share that vision and that is why we enjoy working with Studied. In addition, we complement each other in terms of content. In fact, it happens often enough that a student needs tutoring while there is more going on with the student. In that case, we can do something for Studied and its student. The reverse situation can also occur, namely that a student receives educational help from us and it turns out that that student needs tutoring. Then we can refer to Studied so that they can provide our student with tutoring services. Because our visions match, we know what to expect from each other; the student ends up well.

What can students expect from our collaboration? 

We are required to maintain contact with third parties if it is in the best interest of the child AND the parents give permission. This also applies to Studied. If a student is referred, there will be close contact between Studied and Learn4Life about the student's progress. Together we agree on how the student's progress can be achieved and what the student needs to continue to grow. In addition, Studied will be included in the 1G1P (one family, one plan). If this method is used for a student, Studied will incorporate the goals they want to achieve with the student.

Students at Studied can take a fear of failure reduction training at Learn4Life. What does it mean if you have fear of failure and how can this training help? 

Fear of failure literally means the fear of failure. In other words, you are afraid that you cannot do something. These thoughts are constantly in your head which means there is a chance that something will actually fail. This in turn confirms your feeling that you can't do it which perpetuates the fear of failure. If you suffer from this, it is important that you break the circle. But, you obviously need to know how to do this and that is what a fear of failure reduction training focuses on. Within Learn4Life's fear of failure reduction training, you're going to learn how to challenge your negative thoughts by seeing how realistic those negative thoughts are. From there, you are going to develop positive thoughts that will help you move forward. By doing this daily, the young person will learn to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts. We also teach you different breathing and muscle relaxation exercises to calm yourself down when you get stressed by your fear of failure. We also pay extensive attention to this during the fear of failure reduction training.

In our offerings, we also offer your training in planning and organizing. Why is it important to be able to plan and organize well?

You will have to plan and organize throughout your life. Just look at choosing a curriculum, education or job. It's important for the young person to look for solutions and not clam up or get stressed when things don't go according to plan. Does a young person not know how to do this? Then a training "planning and organizing" is very helpful. In this training you get a clear explanation on how to make a good daily and weekly plan, and you get a list of tips on how to make your planning more efficient. As a result, you will know better what to pay attention to while making your planning, making it easier and faster!

In our planning and organizing training, you will learn exactly how to do this.

We also offer our students 'learning to learn' training, as we regularly hear that this is a problem. How can this be and how do you solve it with the 'learning to learn' training? 

Many students look up to a mountain of learning work, and rightly so. Therefore, many students just start learning so they feel like they are doing or have done something. The problem is that they often do this without a plan. As a result, they are more restless in their heads, making it harder for them to concentrate. In addition, this often leaves them unsure whether they actually know and understand the material they have learned. The latter is about 'effective learning' and is where our 'learning to learn' training comes in handy. Indeed, for 'effective learning' it is useful to see what learning strategies are available and how to apply these strategies. The 'learning to learn' training therefore covers six comprehensive learning strategies. These strategies are covered using "the learning pyramid," as it indicates which methods are effective and why this is so. After getting acquainted with the learning methods, students get to work with the learning methods. They will reflect on each learning method to see which learning method fits best. This is how we teach students to learn in our learning to learn training. 

Nowadays much attention is paid to examining students to see if they have a diagnosis. Is that really that important? And why can training on behavioral issues be helpful?

A diagnosis can be important. The tricky thing is that many people see it as something negative, when in fact it can be helpful. Many students feel different from others and don't know where this comes from. If they then get confirmation that their feelings are correct, something can be done with it. There is no point in continually trying everything if you don't know where the root of the problem lies. Incidentally, some students find it hard to know that they have a diagnosis. These days, however, everyone has something and we try to impart that to students. Therefore, our behavioral issues training is very helpful for many people because it addresses one or more behavioral issues. This is because it is important that pupils, parents and students understand what a certain behavioral problem means and how to deal with it. Through videos, exercises and role plays we let pupils, parents and students experience how they can best deal with someone who, for example, has ADHD or autism. We think it is important to make it visual, so that the participants can really put themselves in the shoes of someone with a certain diagnosis. They must be able to see what it is like to have a certain behavioral problem. 

Many students have low self-confidence. Where does this come from and how do you make sure this improves in a "more self-confidence" training? 

Because of the expectations children today have to meet, their self-confidence is often low. For example, on social media they always see people who are beautiful, thin, rich or successful. Because of this, children often think "ohhh I should be like that too. Most children don't see that those people on social media are also just people who can also be insecure or dead wrong. Kids need to learn to see through that so they can accept themselves and be content with who they are. Students need to learn to let go of society's expectations to follow their own route, provided the student is satisfied with that and graduates. Our training "more self-confidence" focuses on all this and a lot of attention will be paid to self-reflection. We will seek answers to questions such as: Who am I? What do I stand for? And what do I find important? After this we will look at the student's core qualities, which allergy to these and how to deal with them. As mentioned, expectations play an important role in self-confidence. We therefore also look at what expectations a student has to meet, why this is so and whether this is really the case. Many students think they have to do a lot, but they don't have to....

Studied students receive a discount on Learn4Life offerings in our brochure. Need more information? Check out and contact us.

More information about Learn4Life can be found on the website