Note full = full, if you want to be sure of a spot, sign up as soon as possible.


Language Course

From Cradle to Grave Development, Ageing and Disease (BBS2002)


Are you just not getting the hang of that one subject? Are you looking for a structured way to learn a lot? With our training courses, you dive into the material very intensively.

Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?

Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!



€31.00 per hour.

Group lessons

€15.50 per hour.

Early-bird discount

Available until April 15, 2023.

Learn structured material and study skills

More confidence and less stress

Focused and motivated learning

Learn a foreign language in a structured way

More confidence in using language

Focused and motivated learning

General information


Biomedical Sciences


All exam material

Working method


In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


Differs per session, check the program for this.

About the student lecturer

[titel(The Developing Nervous System)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Embryonic neural development; Different brain cells; Neuronal survival; Synaptic plasticity.)duur(75 minutes)]

[titel(Lungs)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Anatomy and histology; Lung development; Lungs maintenance; Gas exchange; Surfactant; Physiological changes after birth; Effect of premature birth on the lungs.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Bone)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Anatomy and histology; Bone composition; Bone development; Growth regulation; Bone repair.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Muscle Plasticity)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Muscle structure; Muscle types; Muscle development; Protein synthesis and breakdown; Cell turnover.)duur(75 minutes)]

[titel(Hormones, Growth and Sexual Development)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Hormones [type and function]; Growth regulation; Changes that occur during puberty; Menstrual cycle; Spermatogenesis; Growth curves.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Aging)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Physical changes; Hormonal changes; Sarcopenia; Osteoporosis.)duur(75 minutes)]

[titel(Mitochondria)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Structure and function; ROS; Defense and repair mechanisms against ROS; Mitochondrial turnover; Dietary restriction effects on lifespan.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Aging Cells)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Cell senescence; Hallmarks of aging; Inflammaging and garb-aging; Stem cells aging; Immunosenescence; Senolytics and lifestyle.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Hallmarks of Cancer)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Stages of the cell cycle; Cancer [Genetic factors, Stages, Types]; Hallmarks of cancer; Tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes; Cancer induction by a virus; Factors that affect cancer.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Lungs Aging)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Changes with age; COPD; Inflammation and COPD; Risk factors for COPD; Aging and COPD; Prevention and treatment of COPD.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Alzheimer’s Disease [AD])beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Aging effect on the brain; What is Alzheimer’s disease; Genetic mutations leading to AD; Risk factors for AD; Hallmarks of aging and AD; Prevention and treatment of AD.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Exam Training)beschrijving(90 minutes for exam-like questions; 60 minutes discussion.)duur(180 minutes)]

Basic programme



July 23, 2023


Here is a brief description.

45 minutes

[titel(The Developing Nervous System)beschrijving(Discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Embryonic neural development; Different brain cells; Neuronal survival; Synaptic plasticity.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Lungs)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Anatomy and histology; Lung development; Lungs maintenance; Gas exchange; Surfactant; Physiological changes after birth; Effect of premature birth on the lungs.)duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Bone)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Anatomy and histology; Bone composition; Bone development; Growth regulation; Bone repair.)duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Muscle Plasticity)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Muscle structure; Muscle types; Muscle development; Protein synthesis and breakdown; Cell turnover.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Hormones, Growth and Sexual Development)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Hormones [type and function]; Growth regulation; Changes that occur during puberty; Menstrual cycle; Spermatogenesis; Growth curves.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Aging)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Physical changes; Hormonal changes; Sarcopenia; Osteoporosis.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Mitochondria)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Structure and function; ROS; Defense and repair mechanisms against ROS; Mitochondrial turnover; Dietary restriction effects on lifespan.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Aging Cells)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Cell senescence; Hallmarks of aging; Inflammaging and garb-aging; Stem cells aging; Immunosenescence; Senolytics and lifestyle.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Hallmarks of Cancer)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Stages of the cell cycle; Cancer [Genetic factors, Stages, Types]; Hallmarks of cancer; Tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes; Cancer induction by a virus; Factors that affect cancer.)duur(45 minutes)]

[titel(Lungs Aging)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts + exam-like questions: Changes with age; COPD; Inflammation and COPD; Risk factors for COPD; Aging and COPD; Prevention and treatment of COPD.)duur(60 minutes)]

[titel(Alzheimer’s Disease [AD])beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Aging effect on the brain; What is Alzheimer’s disease; Genetic mutations leading to AD; Risk factors for AD; Hallmarks of aging and AD; Prevention and treatment of AD.)duur(90 minutes)]

Abbreviated programme

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Language course

From Cradle to Grave Development, Ageing and Disease (BBS2002)


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