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€31.00 per hour.
Group lessons
€15.50 per hour.
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Available until April 15, 2023.
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Learn a foreign language in a structured way
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Focused and motivated learning
Vwo 6
All exam material. The lessons will be in dutch.
Working method
In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).
In consultation between student-tutor and participant (s).
Varies by session, see program.
[titel(Mathematics)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Relationships; Turnover to Net Profit; Marginal Figures; Surplus Shading; Tax and Subsidies; Elasticity; Exchange Rate; Employment; Global Economy.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain D: Market)beschrijving(Explanation and practice of the following topics: Review the glossary; Concept of “market”; Market forms; Change in supply and demand; Market mechanism; Looking at different market forms and how prices are created; Market share; Variable costs; Terms for describing the cost structure and revenues of companies; Producer behavior; Marketing mix; Government intervention, minimum and maximum prices; Labor market; Supply and demand; Employment; Unemployment; Price Elasticity and Income Elasticity.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain E: Exchange over time)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Review glossary; Intertemporal Exchange; Phases of Life; Function of Money; Purchasing Power; Inflation; Indices; Wealth Market; Interest; Financial Statements; Capital; Pensions.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain F: Collaboration and Negotiation)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Review glossary; Prosperity; Game theories: Prisoner dilemma; Nash balance; Self-attachment; Sequential play; Positive and negative externalities may result in prisoner dilemma; Robbery problem/sunk costs.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain G: Risk and Information)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Review glossary; Exchange; Risk; Insurance; Principal agent problem; Asymmetric information; Moral hazard; Income; Income; Investing; Credit; Legal forms; Balance; Welfare State.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain H: Prosperity and Growth)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Glossary; Prosperity; Scarcity of goods; Production and Sales; National Income; Economic Cycle; Free Trade; Protectionism; International Competitiveness; Balance of Payments; Current Account; Capital Account; Deficit Payments; Interest Policy; Currencies; Exchange Rates; Appreciation and Depreciation; Floating Exchange Rates; Fixed Exchange Rates; Income; Income and Tax; Interest Policy; Currencies; Exchange Rates; Appreciation and Depreciation; Floating Exchange Rates; Fixed Exchange Rates; Income and Tax; enz curve; Gini coefficient; Calculate income tax; Box system; Box 1: income from work and home; Box 3: income from savings and investments; Production factors; Growth; Investments; Leaks.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Domain I: Good times, bad times)beschrijving(Practice assignments on the following topics: Review glossary; Business cycle: Business cycle phases; Business cycle cycle; Business cycle clock and business indicators; Business cycle policy; Effective demand; Aggregate supply and demand; Rigid prices; Flexible prices; Inflation; Fiscal policy; Growth; ECB; Indices; Market mechanism; Factors of production; Monetary system; Flexible prices; Inflation; Fiscal policy; Growth; ECB; Indexes; Market Mechanism; Production Factors; Monetary System; Fischer traffic comparison.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(All domains)beschrijving(Practicing an old exam and discussing the answers afterwards.; Repeat difficult topics again)duur(240 minutes)]
July 23, 2023
Here is a brief description.
45 minutes
[titel(Price elasticity)beschrijving(Explanation of the different types of elasticity: Price elasticity of supply/demand; Cross elasticity; Income elasticity; Make two exam questions about elasticity.)duur(20 minutes)]
[titel(Break-even)beschrijving(Explanation of determining break-even turnover/sales; Create one exam question about this.)duur(10 minutes)]
[titel(Market forms)beschrijving(Review the different market forms and characteristics of each market form.)duur(10 minutes)]
[titel(Total, average and marginal costs)beschrijving(Review all formulas and relationships between different types of costs and revenues: GO, P, TO, TK, GTK, GVK, GCK, MO, MK; Create two exam questions that highlight maximum profit; Review a step-by-step plan on how to approach these types of questions.)duur(30 minutes)]
[titel(Price/sales determination for various market forms)beschrijving(Explanation of price and sales determination for different market forms and different objectives; Practice one exam question about this.)duur(20 minutes)]
[titel(Surplus shading)beschrijving(Brief explanation of consumer and producer surplus; Loss of wealth; Create one exam question on this topic.)duur(15 minutes)]
[titel(Game Tree and Prisoner Dilemma)beschrijving(Brief explanation of how to address questions about a prisoner dilemma and game tree; Nash balance and dominant strategy; Create one exam question about a prisoner dilemma; One exam question about creating a game tree.)duur(20 minutes)]
[titel(Principal-agent relationships)beschrijving(Explanation of principal-agent relationships; adverse selection and moral hazard; Create one exam question on this topic.)duur(10 minutes)]
[titel(Economic cycle)beschrijving(Detailed explanation of the economic cycle: GDP; positive and negative relationships; Y = C + I + O + E - M; Current account balance; Practice and discuss two exam questions about this in depth.)duur(40 minutes)]
[titel(Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve)beschrijving(Explanation of Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve; Create one exam question on this topic.)duur(10 minutes)]
[titel(Conjuncture)beschrijving(Explanation of high and low economic cycles and how a certain business cycle occurs; Make two exam questions about this.)duur(20 minutes)]
[titel(Fiscal policy)beschrijving(Explanation of fiscal policy and key topics related to it: Anticyclic/procyclical policy; ECB; Complete two exam questions on this topic.)duur(30 minutes)]
[titel(Exchange Rates)beschrijving(Explanation of exchange rates; One exam question on this topic.)duur(15 minutes)]
[titel(Question Time)beschrijving(Students are given time to review everything again and ask questions about topics that they still find difficult or have not been addressed.)duur(60 minutes)]