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Human genetics, reproduction and prenatal development (BBS1005)


Krijg je dat ene vak of onderwerp maar niet onder de knie? Ben je op zoek naar een gestructureerde manier om veel te leren? Met onze trainingen duik je zeer intensief in de stof.

Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?

Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!



€31,00 per uur.


€15,50 per uur.

Early-bird korting

Beschikbaar tot 15 april 2023.

Learning the material in a structured way.

Meer zelfvertrouwen, mind stress.

Gefocust en gemotiveerd leren

Learning a foreign language in a structured way.

Be more confident in your use of language.

Focused and motivated learning.

Algemene informatie


Biomedical Sciences


All exam material



In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).


Differs per session, check the program for this.

Over de student-docent

[titel(DNA and Gametogenesis)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: DNA; Mutations; DNA repair mechanisms; Gametogenesis; Epigenetics.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Fertilisation)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Anatomy of the female reproductive tract; Follicle formation; Fertilisation and development in week 1; Cleavage; Ovarian cycle; Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Regulation of Gene Expression)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Transcription; RNA processing; Protein regulation; Motifs of regulatory proteins.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Cell Cycle)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Mitosis; Checkpoints; Mitogens; p53; CDKs; Regulation of the cell cycle.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Implantation and Gastrulation)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Development in week 2: zona pellucida, hatching, decidual reaction, Heuser’s membrane, secondary yolk sac, amniotic cavity, chorionic cavity, connecting stalk; Development in week 3: trilaminar disc, primitive streak, ecto/endo/mesoderm; Development in week 4: neural plate, notochord, neural crest, neural tube; primary and secondary neurulation; Gastrulation [development in week 2, 3, 4]: somites and body folds; Placenta: primary, secondary and tertiary stem villi; Twins.)duur(135 minutes)]

[titel(Monogenic Diseases)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Pathogenic inheritance; LMNA and lamins; Cytogenetic methods; Molecular methods.)duur(70 minutes)]

[titel(Hox Genes and Segmentation Clock)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Development in week 5; Hox genes; Vertebral column; Cranialisation, caudalisation; Somite differentiation; Somite formation and the segmentation clock [Wnt and FGF, Delta-Notch, Ephrin].)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Gut Development)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Wnt; Fore/mid/hind gut; Gut organ development; Intra and primary and secondary retroperitoneal organs; Gut epithelium differentiation, proliferation and maintenance; Radial differentiation.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Apoptosis and Limb Development)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Apoptosis and necrosis; Caspase cascade; Limb development: proximal-distal, cranial-caudal, dorsal-ventral; Apoptosis in limb development.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(Sex Differentiation)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Ambisexual stage; Male primary and secondary differentiation; Female primary and secondary differentiation; Sex reversal.)duur(135 minutes)]

[titel(Heart Development)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Tube formation - week 3; Heart looping - week 4; Ballooning - week 5; Septation - week 6 and 7; Aorta; Valves - week 5-8; Conduction system; Epicardium and coronary vasculature; Before and after birth; Heart defects.)duur(90 minutes)]

[titel(miRNA)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Function; Biogenesis; Gene regulation; RNAi interference; miRNA x siRNA; miRNA in embryonic development.)duur(70 minutes)]

[titel(Exam Simulation)beschrijving(90 minutes for exam-like questions; 60 minutes discussion of correct answers.)duur(150 minutes)]

Basis programma



23 juli 2023


Hier komt een korte beschrijving.

45 minuten












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Human genetics, reproduction and prenatal development (BBS1005)


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