Let op vol=vol, als je zeker wilt zijn van een plek, schrijf je zo snel mogelijk in.
Krijg je dat ene vak of onderwerp maar niet onder de knie? Ben je op zoek naar een gestructureerde manier om veel te leren? Met onze trainingen duik je zeer intensief in de stof.
Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?
Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!
€31,00 per uur.
€15,50 per uur.
Early-bird korting
Beschikbaar tot 15 april 2023.
Learning the material in a structured way.
Meer zelfvertrouwen, mind stress.
Gefocust en gemotiveerd leren
Learning a foreign language in a structured way.
Be more confident in your use of language.
Focused and motivated learning.
All exam material
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
Differs per session, check the program for this.
[titel(Task 1 and 2: Science & Observations)beschrijving(Explanation on: Types of science; Systematic observations; Theory vs hypothesis; Ethics; Validity, reliability, accuracy; Experimenter biases; Types of observational research.)duur(75 minutes)]
[titel(Task 3-5: Stats, Associations & Predictions)beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Single measure statistics: Variables, level of measurement; Tables, graphs, boxplot, histogram, stem-and-leaf plots; Measure of central tendency, dispersion, skewness; Z-scores. Association between two measures: Linear correlation and association in two categorical variables [perfect and no association]; Inter-rater reliability [kappa]. Predicting measures from another: Linear regression model; Sum of squares; Residual plots; Linear correlation coefficient.)duur(120 minutes)]
[titel(Task 6 and 7: Research Setup & Associations)beschrijving(Explanation on: Setting up research: Sampling, randomization and generalization; Recruitment of research participants; Sample size; Types of validity; Regression towards the mean. Identifying different types of association: Association, correlation and causality; Study designs; Control groups; Quasi-experimental design.)duur(60 minutes)]
[titel(Task 8 and 9: Experimental Design)beschrijving(Explanation on: Different types of experimental design: Error variance; Between vs within subjects design; Carryover effects. Special types of research design: Factorial design [main effect, interactions]; Quasi-experimental study design; Single-subject designs.)duur(60 minutes)]
[titel(Practice Exam)beschrijving(Methodic test [task 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 9] and Statistic exam [task 3, 4 and 5], including discussion.)duur(120 minutes)]
23 juli 2023
Hier komt een korte beschrijving.
45 minuten
[titel(Task 1-2: Science & Observations)beschrijving(Explanation on: Types of science; Systematic observations.)duur(60 minutes)]
[titel(Task 3-5: Stats & Predictions)beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Single measure statistics; Association between two measures; Predicting one measure from another.)duur(60 minutes)]
[titel(Task 6-7: Research & Associations)beschrijving(Explanation and exercises on: Setting up research; Identifying different types of association.)duur(60 minutes)]
[titel(Task 8-9: Experimental Design)beschrijving(Explanation on: Different types of experimental design; Special types of research design.)duur(60 minutes)]