Let op vol=vol, als je zeker wilt zijn van een plek, schrijf je zo snel mogelijk in.
Krijg je dat ene vak of onderwerp maar niet onder de knie? Ben je op zoek naar een gestructureerde manier om veel te leren? Met onze trainingen duik je zeer intensief in de stof.
Wil je je spreekvaardigheid verbeteren? Of wil je professionele e-mails (beter) leren schrijven? Misschien wil jij je simpelweg comfortabeler voelen in het spreken van een andere taal?
Jij leert de taal zoals jij die nodig hebt!
€31,00 per uur.
€15,50 per uur.
Early-bird korting
Beschikbaar tot 15 april 2023.
Learning the material in a structured way.
Meer zelfvertrouwen, mind stress.
Gefocust en gemotiveerd leren
Learning a foreign language in a structured way.
Be more confident in your use of language.
Focused and motivated learning.
Biomedical Sciences
All exam material.
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
In consultation between student-tutor and participant(s).
Differs per session, check the program for this.
[titel(Anatomy of the Brain)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Lobes; Ventricles; Functional areas; Neurons and glial cells; Brain stem; Diencephalon; Basal nuclei; Limbic system; Protective layers; Spinal cord; Central nervous system; Sheep brain.)duur(120 minuten)]
[titel(Neurotransmitters)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Action potential; Transmission of signals; Synapses; Receptors.)duur(75 minuten)]
[titel(The Eye & the Ear)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Anatomy of the eye; Pathway to the visual cortex; Phototransduction; Receptive field; Hermann grid; Light/dark adaptation; Stimuli processing; Anatomy of the vestibular system; Neural pathways and vestibular nuclei; Proprioception; Cerebellum; Cerebellar ataxia and alcohol.)duur(105 minuten)]
[titel(Decision Making)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Hick-Hyman law; Reaction time; Experiments to measure reaction time; Donder’s task; Merkel’s task; Stroop task; Simon task; Finger procuring task; Decision making; Executive functions.)duur(45 minuten)]
[titel(Speed and Accuracy)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: 3 types of movement; Kinematic parameters; AAA burst; Movement correction; Loop movements; Muscle spindle reflex; Golgi tendon reflex; Alpha-gamma coactivation.)duur(45 minuten)]
[titel(Neural Control of Movement)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Functions of motor control areas and schematic diagram; Pyrimidal and extrapyrimidal tract; Disorders; Hemiplegia; Alien-hand syndrome; Parkinson’s disease; Huntington’s disease; Ataxia.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Muscle Contraction)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Muscle anatomy; Macro and microstructure; Sarcoplasmic reticulum and T Tubules; Types of skeletal muscle fibres; Motor units and fatigue; Muscle contraction and neuromuscular junctions; Sliding filament theory; Stimulation and graphs.)duur(105 minuten)]
[titel(Muscle Force and EMG)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Muscle force and torque; Work; Length-force relationship; Force-velocity and power-velocity curves; EMG-force relationship; EMG signal processing; EMG graphs; Biomechanics.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Pain)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: Nociceptors; Hyperalgesia, allodynia; Relay pathways; Regulation: gate-control theory; Types of pain.)duur(60 minuten)]
[titel(Learning and Memory and Stress)beschrijving(Explaining, discussing and practicing the following concepts: NMDA and AMPA; Types of memory; Long-term potentiation; Associativity, cooperativity and persistence; Hippocampal trisynaptic pathway; Stress and long-term depression; Emotions; Fear, anxiety, panic, stress; Short-term reaction to stress; Long-term reaction to stress; Papez circuit; Limbic system and structures involved in stress; Treatment.)duur(90 minuten)]
[titel(Final Quiz Session)beschrijving(Exam-level questions on all course topics.)duur(120 minuten)]
23 juli 2023
Hier komt een korte beschrijving.
45 minuten