Perform on the final test at Primary education and prepare well with cito training

Perform on the final test at Primary education and prepare well with cito training

The elementary school cito final test can feel like a big task. Hours of questioning, concentration, and wanting to perform well on a test that may determine which high school you will soon attend. How do you properly prepare for the final test? With cito training, we help you do just that.

Elementary school finals.

I remember it well: it was the end of grade 8. After weeks of practice, the day of the final test for Primary education, then called cito test, had arrived. The tables were parted, the pencils sharpened, and for several hours at a time the class was in high concentration. Much depended on this test: for some, the cito score would determine whether they would attend their chosen high school. It was a moment when all our knowledge and skills would have to come together. But despite this pressure, I went into the test relaxed. I knew what the questions would look like, what was expected of me, and what I was up to. This was because of one thing: I had practiced.

Good preparation is everything.

Actually, the real final test was nothing different from the practice exams we had taken in class the days before. Because we had spent three days taking old final tests, everything felt familiar on the day of the real cito. I knew exactly which parts would be covered, namely language, study skills, math and world orientation. I knew how much time I had for each section and how to allocate that time properly. I knew how the questions would be worded and how the answer system worked. I had even thought about a snack that would give me sustained energy and concentration (tip: bananas and nuts). Without this knowledge and preparation, I would have been a lot less confident and probably would have scored less on the cito test. I can therefore well understand that many elementary school students want to prepare well for the cito test. It is an exciting period and they want to score as well as they can. However, many students do not know how to approach this preparation. Our cito training is the solution for this! 

Cito training at Studied.

We have been tutoring students of various levels, including elementary school students, for many years. In cito training, they work together with a Tutor. The preparation often consists of practicing old final tests together and discussing practical tips (such as those mentioned above). Furthermore, Studied puts the individual needs of the student first. This means that we always provide customization. So if you have specific things around the cito test that you are struggling with or that you find exciting, we are happy to help you with that. Our student teachers will actively work with the student to see which personal approach fits best. So: Do you want to avoid surprises on the day of the final test and get the best out of yourself? Sign up for our cito training! Then we will help you achieve the best possible score in a pleasant way. 

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