Traffic campaign with ANWB and TeamAlert
We participate in the campaign "On the way to the bicycle exam" in cooperation with the ANWB and TeamAlert. Schools in the municipality of Maastricht receive a free teaching guide to prepare students for the cycling exam and prevent traffic accidents. A valuable campaign with future perspective.
Research shows that children in grades 7 and 8 at Primary education are often involved in traffic accidents. This is often due to the use of cell phones and/or other gadgets in traffic. The bicycle exam is therefore more important than ever. RoComm Uitgevers has therefore taken the initiative to carry out a national traffic campaign together with the ANWB and TeamAlert.
All grade 7 and 8 students will receive traffic education in class. Following this, they receive a free lesson guide "On the way to the bicycle exam" in preparation for this school year's bicycle exam. The content of the lesson guide has been provided by the ANWB and TeamAlert, among others. Participating elementary schools do not have to do or pay anything for these teaching materials. In fact, the campaign is funded by companies and institutions from the municipality of the participating elementary schools. For example, we are participating in the campaign in the municipality of Maastricht, together with Stella Maris College Meerssen, Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij (KiKa) and Jumbo Supermarkets (location Meerssen).
Gemeente Maastricht.
We are pleased to see that many elementary school in the Municipality of Maastricht are participating. In total there are 24. The lesson guides will be offered at elementary school Amby, Anne Frank Maastricht, Binnenstad, De Geluksvogel Maastricht, De Letterdoes, De Maasköpkes, De Regenboog, De Spiegel Maastricht, De Vlinderboom Maastricht, Dynamiek Maastricht, El Habib, Emile Wesly, Het Mozaïek Maastricht, J.F. Kennedy, Manjefiek, Montessori Basisschool Maastricht, Petrus en Paulus Maastricht, Scharn, Sint Aloysius, St. Oda Maastricht, St. Pieter, Suringarschool, Wyck and ZIEZO! Maastricht.
The Safe to Bike Examination campaign is a great initiative. The discussions in preparation for the campaign were cordial and the lesson guide looks good. We can imagine that many students are going to benefit from it. It is the first time we are participating in the initiative and are curious to see the impact of the campaign. If it is a success, we will make sure that the lesson guide 'Safe to the bike exam' will also be offered in the future in Maastricht municipality.
Questions or comments about the Safe to Bike Exam campaign? Please contact us.